it's me, Erica!! Dean hasn't posted in a while, and this blog was getting lonely, so i'm taking over (for today that is). it was my day with Derek today (i have fridays off) and it was a fabulous day indeed.

last night little Derek slept a whole 8 hours straight, which gave us an awesome night's sleep. he slept at 7:45pm and woke up at 3:45am. i fed him and he slept, waking up again at 6:45am. Derek was being extra cute smiling big at his daddy, so Dean didn't want to leave for work this morning. like mother like son, we both wanted him to stay. i knew that the sooner he left, the sooner he'd come home to us, so he went on his way and Derek and i continued with our day.
so this post is gonna be about how much walking i did today. all for the sake of Derek getting some sleep. after having a nice long conversation with Derek about his nose, the squares on the wall, how cute he is, his fingers, and whatever else i could think of in response to his coos and gurgles, i decided to put him in his baby bjorn and take a walk. i wanted to get out of the apartment and show him the trees and all the exciting things to see outside. so off we went. the show-and-tell didn't last long, cause when i got down the stairs and looked down at my son, he was fast asleep. oh well, i thought. i'll just use this to get some exercise.

so it was a nice 45 minute walk as we walked around the pool, weaved around the apartment buildings, up the stairs into escala (the condos up the hill from us), into their doggie park, and back down into portofino (our apartment complex). we got home and i kept him in the baby bjorn and got a quick bite to eat while he slept. i managed to finish more than half my food before he woke up hungry so i fed him and watched him sleep (i could watch him for hours). that didn't last long, cause he was up within five minutes of finishing his meal. so i had another nice long conversation with him and got some baby gym time in.

i saw that he was getting sleepy, and i remembered how well the baby bjorn worked at getting him to sleep earlier that morning, so off we went for another walk. he fell asleep just as fast as before, so this time we went to the clubhouse so i could catch some of an episode of gilmore girls on tv. it was almost over, so there wasn't much to catch. next we headed to the business center, where i checked my email and facebook. then i walked around the apartment complex and back up to the apartment. i kept him in the bjorn again and ate a lunch of ritz crackers and american cheese (super healthy, i know), and poured myself a bowl of cereal for later. i finished my mini meal and feeling quite satisfied, i turned my attention to laying Derek down cause my back was killing me from standing for so long. OMG i love the baby bjorn. i had no problems laying him down. i grabbed a quick nap with him, fed him, ate my cereal and waited for Dean to come home.

we ran errands once Dean came home. we went to old navy to return some stuff and got some deals from the sale they have going on right now. $2 skirts and shirts is all i'm gonna say about that :) then we went to Marshalls, where Dean found a cool jacket (Chargers jacket, of course), and we found an outfit for Derek. then Costco to get dog food and some stuff i'd forgotten to get yesterday, then to one of our favorite restaurants, Chibas, for some takeout sushi.
Derek was great the entire time, i'm so grateful to have such a chill little boy.

he loved being outside and staring at all the cool lights and new environment.
ok, if you made it to the end of this post, kudos to you cause i know that i write too much. oddly enough i don't talk as much as i write :) anyway, thanks for reading!!
and yes...

...he is my property. forever. :)