4 in existence, the S-B's consist of Erica, Dean, Derek Joshua, and our latest bundle of joy Aubrey Jade. Residing in San Diego, we are a happy family that is ready to inspire, love and share life with everyone.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Derek's First Christmas!
Derek really enjoyed his first Christmas. He got some really cool gifts and took pictures in front of 3 different Christmas trees. We spent Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Erica's family, a tradition that has been going on since Erica and I got married. This time we have our little man to celebrate with. The festivities began at our apartment on Christmas. Erica, Derek and I got dressed to go to my brother Jay and his family's house for Christmas with the Buenaventura's. We loaded Erica's car with presents for both families and our luggage for the trip to Delano. With all the stuff in the car, by the time the three of us were inside, Erica's car closely resembled a tightly packed can of sardines. Before we left, we took a photo with our Christmas tree.
As soon as we got to Jay's house, it was dinner time for us(including Derek). Those in attendance were my entire side of the family including my grandma, mom & dad, oldest brother Ron, Jay (he didn't have to work this time around), Joanna, Jalene, Jolene, my mom's sister Auntie Baby and her husband Uncle Boy, my cousins Charm, Sam & Don, and another one of my cousins Katrina. We were also joined by Katrina's mom, Marites and Joanna's mom, Jennifer. Some of the things we ate included turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, ribs, and double chocolate cheesecake. It was like Thanksgiving all over again! Once everyone ate, we gathered around to open presents. Derek opened his first present from his mommy and daddy. We got him a baby block toy with lots of colors (we also got him a bunch of other toys and clothes, but only wrapped this particular toy). Then he opened the rest of his gifts. We opened our gifts too. The rest of the family opened theirs and they were very pleased of the things that we got them. After the gift opening, we took some family photos and other random pics. We left Jay's house at around 10:30 and proceeded to our next destination, Delano.

Before we head on our road trip to Delano, I grabbed a 24 once french vanilla mocha at 7-11. This drink kept me up the entire 4 hour drive and it was only $1.69. I recommend it if you ever need to stay up for a long period of time. During the drive, there was no traffic at all, although I was surprised on how many cars were on the road at around 1:00 AM Christmas Morning. It was raining for a bit of the trip and we finally made it at around 2:30 AM. Derek was knocked out for the majority of the drive and we immediately put him to bed. Erica and I decided to open gifts that we got each other since technically it was Christmas morning. She got me two pairs of shoes($50 each via ebay, which we didn't wrap), a nike beanie and a planner. I got her some Ticori earrings and the Multiple Blessings (Jon & Kate + 8) book. After that, we went to sleep.

On Christmas morning, we gathered around the Sison Christmas tree for part 2 of Derek's first Christmas. Everyone was in attendance including Mom, Dad, Jocelyn, Elaine & Carlito and their kids Xavier, Zachary and Ysabelle, Rick and his kids Kyle, Alethea and James and finally Erica, Derek and I. The first to open gifts was the kids, youngest to oldest. Derek was first to open gifts and then the kids alternated gifts. All of Derek's gifts we're awesome, but the best one was the Excersaucer that Elaine, Carlito & Jocelyn got for him. Then it was the adults' turn. We did if different this year. During Thanksgiving, we picked names for Secret Santa and each adult provided a top five wish list that consisted in which each item had to be at least $100. It went really well and I'll I can say is that everyone was happy on what they got, including Dad. I picked him and Erica and I decided that we should get him an IPOD Nano. It was the perfect gift. He enjoys his new gadget. Erica got some Bare Minerals makeup and face cream. I got an upconverting HD dvd player and an added bonus, a Chargers fossil watch(that wasn't on my list but I admit that I like that one a lot better than the dvd player). Erica got Rick and we got him a Shiatsu back massager. Elaine got a leather brief case/computer bag from Mom. Jocelyn got a Coach bag from Elaine. Carlito received a Flip mini camcorder and finally from Jocelyn. Finally, Mom got Tresor, a perfume set that she was really excited about.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas Shopping & Photos With Susie
Wow I haven't been keeping up. Sorry for the delay on the blog. This past weekend was a mix of fun and accomplishment. We finally wrapped up our Christmas shopping. We we're missing just two more gifts. On Saturday, we drove down south to my old stomping grounds, Westfield's Plaza Bonita Mall. For about three plus years while I was in high school and part of college, I worked at Champs Sports. Over at Plaza, we picked up a few things for ourselves as well as a gift for my mom(can't say what it is just in case she decides to read this). We got a Derek's 1st Christmas ornament with custom engraving from things remembered, some 50% off toys for Derek and games at KB Toys and a picture frame. After our trip from the mall, we headed to Costco to pick up our final gift from our Christmas list (also can't say what we got) and a few groceries. Once we completed our list, we topped off our day by picking up some California Burritos from Cotixan in Chula Vista. Just in case you were wondering or have never had a Cali Burrito before, the ingredients include carne asada meat, potatoes (some places use french fries), cheese and salsa wrapped in a huge tortilla. Its a must for those who enjoy Mexican food.
Sunday was a very special. We got to hang our with our really good friend and life photographer, Susie Linquist for another photo shoot of Derek at 3 months. We are so blessed to have known her for over 2 yeras and trust her for our memories caught on camera. She always seems to get the best shots and its a pleasure to be her friend and her client. The site for the shoot was up in Encinitas Beach in Encinitas, CA, where Susie resides. It was a milestone for Derek, his first time at the beach. Derek did really well. He smiled for Susie and was calm the majority of the time. He got sleepy towards the end, but overall, he did great. We can't wait to see all of the photos. Susie is so awesome(nothing new) that she even gave us a few teasers of the shots she took today. Check them out: Pics of Derek at 3 Months by Susie Linquist.
Here's one of the shots (Thanks again Susie!)
By the way, we weighed Derek this weekend and he is now 15 pounds. Check out the progression shots since day one:

One more thing. Check out the mpeg of Derek smiling at Erica:
I forgot to mention, GO CHARGERS!!!!!!!! Thank you Buffalo for beating the Broncos. Showdown at the Q for the AFC West and a shot for the Playoffs!
Here's one of the shots (Thanks again Susie!)

I forgot to mention, GO CHARGERS!!!!!!!! Thank you Buffalo for beating the Broncos. Showdown at the Q for the AFC West and a shot for the Playoffs!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
'Tis The Season to be Jolly!
So this past weekend was the beginning of Derek's first Christmas. On Saturday, did some shopping at Babies R Us, and the Las Americas Outlets. We knocked out a few people on our list and even picked up some stuff for ourselves. Derek had a great time and didn't cry that much. After a long day of shopping and walking, we went home and crashed.
On Sunday, we slept in for a few hours and planned a quick outing. Before we left the house, we gave Derek some tummy time. He can actually keep his head up for a good 3-4 minutes.
We dressed Derek up his reindeer outfit and then headed to Mission Valley Mall where Derek too his first picture with Santa Claus. He was asleep the whole time and didn't notice that we picked him up and placed him in Santa's arms.
Afterwards, we headed to Sports Authority and then to Sears, where we picked up Derek's photos from his 3-months shoot.

We then proceeded to Costco and Vons to pick up some groceries and headed back home.
On Monday and Tuesday, we put up our Christmas Tree. We wanted Derek to witness this momentous occasion so we did as much as we can on Monday before he fell asleep and then finished the tree the following day. Derek had his new routine (see below under milestones).

*Couple of fun facts and milestones: Derek now stares at his feet, we now set up a bedtime routine of food, then bath/hair, then book reading & singing and finally, bedtime and he babbles.

On Monday and Tuesday, we put up our Christmas Tree. We wanted Derek to witness this momentous occasion so we did as much as we can on Monday before he fell asleep and then finished the tree the following day. Derek had his new routine (see below under milestones).
*Couple of fun facts and milestones: Derek now stares at his feet, we now set up a bedtime routine of food, then bath/hair, then book reading & singing and finally, bedtime and he babbles.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Yesterday was Derek's 1st Thanksgiving and he was able to spend time with both sides of our families. Round 1 was at the Buenaventura's. We arrived at around 11am for Thanksgiving lunch. Erica brought her signature yams. We also had turkey, stuffing, homemade mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, pecan pie, pumpkin cheesecake and dinner rolls. The attendees included my parents, grandma, oldest brother Ron, sister-in-law Joanna & her kids, Jalen & Jolene, my mom's sister Auntie Baby & her husband Uncle Boy, my cousins Sam, Don & Charm, my cousin from Long Beach Katrina, Erica, Derek and I. My older brother Jay, had to work until 2:30 and we had to drive up to Delano at 1:00, so we just missed him. For the first hour, we stuffed our faces. Suprisingly I only ate one full plate of food. Afterwards, Derek hung out with the family and we took plenty of pictures. Somehow, Derek ended up staring at a bunch of animated singing Santa Claus toys. Also, we believe that yesterday was first time that his Nanay held him(we don't know for sure but judging grandma's expression, it was the greatest thing in a long time for her). The coolest thing was when anyone in the family would take a photo of Derek and there was standing ovation like we were in Qualcom Stadium at a Charger Game. Everyone was cheering and clapping to get a smile out of Derek. The 3-hour window at Thanksgiving lunch was short but we made the most of it. Next stop, Delano for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Round 2, Thanksgiving Dinner with the Sison's. We left San Diego at around 2:00 for Derek's 2nd Delano road trip. The first 45 minutes road trip was spent in traffic. We didn't realize that there were so many people headed to their loved ones for Thanksgiving. Derek had another successful road trip and cried once for a diaper change and then cried one more time because he was hungry. Other than that, he did really well in the car. He was awake playing with his toys and slept a good amount. We made it to Delano at around 6:00 for the dinner. This meal included Erica's yams, turkey, stuffing, honey baked ham, pumpkin pie, pancit and lumpia. Notice the difference between the two family's dishes? My family has strictly American food while Erica's family mixes in American and Filipino food (lumpia & pancit). Once again, plenty of pictures taken with the family. After our 2nd Thanksgiving meal that day, we watched the rest of How I Met Your Mother Season 3 and passed out.

Round 2, Thanksgiving Dinner with the Sison's. We left San Diego at around 2:00 for Derek's 2nd Delano road trip. The first 45 minutes road trip was spent in traffic. We didn't realize that there were so many people headed to their loved ones for Thanksgiving. Derek had another successful road trip and cried once for a diaper change and then cried one more time because he was hungry. Other than that, he did really well in the car. He was awake playing with his toys and slept a good amount. We made it to Delano at around 6:00 for the dinner. This meal included Erica's yams, turkey, stuffing, honey baked ham, pumpkin pie, pancit and lumpia. Notice the difference between the two family's dishes? My family has strictly American food while Erica's family mixes in American and Filipino food (lumpia & pancit). Once again, plenty of pictures taken with the family. After our 2nd Thanksgiving meal that day, we watched the rest of How I Met Your Mother Season 3 and passed out.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hanging Out w/ Rina, Elbert and Their Kids, Delano High School Reunion & Derek's 1st Charger Game
Its been a while since I posted. Sorry for the delay. Here's a recap of our amazing weekend. This was Derek's first road trip to Delano. On Friday, we made a stop at our good friends' Elbert and Rina's place before we headed to Delano. They recently had a little girl named Hailey, a month later after Derek was born. Elbert & Rina's family moved from Utah about a month ago and will be in San Pedro (Los Angeles) for a while. Besides Nora, they are the only really close friends that we have that are parents. They currently have 3 kids, Elena, Kaylin & Hailey. There were a couple of firsts. Derek was the first baby boy that Rina has ever held in her arms. Also, met a baby girl for the first time. He also saw live fishies for the first time.

After hanging out and dinner, we headed up to Delano for Erica's 10-year high school reunion. We arrived in Erica's home town for Derek's first trip to Delano. He did really well and only cried when he was hungry. His grandparents were extremely happy to see him. Before the reunion, we hung out at home and chilled. Derek was having a fun time with his lolo & lola, playing in the baby gym and smiling and talking away. Right before the reunion, we picked up some food from Elmer's, a fast food joint exclusively in Delano. Afterwards, Nora met us at home and then we headed to the reunion.

Nora, Erica and I headed to Azul's Bar in Bakersfield for the Reunion. It was great to see Erica catch up with some people that she hasn't seen since high school. I have to say that this reunion was way better than my high school reunion. Great times!
On Sunday, we headed back to San Diego for the Colts v. Chargers game. Nora is a huge Colts fan and we are huge Charger fans. This has been some kind of tradition. We went to the Chargers & Colts game last year too. Derek's first ever Charger game fun for everybody, including Derek. From the very beginning of the game with the fireworks to the very end, Derek enjoyed every moment. He got all of these "your baby is so cute" comments. We decked him out in Charger Gear and he made a great impression. Derek was very observant of the lights, the noise and the game. The only time he cried was when he needed his diaper changed. Other than that, the game was another successful outing. Too bad the Chargers lost. Oh well.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Daddy Derek Day Outing
So today was another Derek-Daddy day. Derek actually woke up before we did and was chillin' in his crib and waiting for us to wake up. He wasn't crying at all and was just watching his mobile.
Our day started off with Derek encountering a celebrity for the very first time. While taking a walk, we ran into San Diego Chargers starting cornerback, Antonio Cromartie. He actually stopped while he was headed towards our direction and told me that Derek looks like me. From a father to another father, it was great to hear compliments and recognition from a professional athlete. This was Derek's first time he met a Charger. This will be a story to tell him when he grows up.

After we met Cro, we headed to Wal-Mart to return some stuff and pick up a few necessities. It was Derek and I's first adventure out in retail land without Erica. He smiled for everyone and did not cry once at the store.

Next stop was eating lunch with Erica. Derek was asleep the majority of the time while we drove up to her work. I picked up some taco bell bean burritos and their latest dish, fully loaded nachos. The chips were not quite as huge and Carne Asada nachos, but they we're satisfying enough that I couldn't finish them. We shared the nachos, hung out at the office and headed for our next stop, Mission Valley Mall.

Derek and I walked around the mall for at least an hour and a half. We picked up a Ladainian Tomlinson ornament at Hallmark and then proceeded to Office Depot and Sears Essentials. I was looking for some screen protectors for our new phones as well as a leather case for our iphone that we got from Carlito. They had this clearance rack where I was able to pick up an iphone case, some mechanical pencils, a laser pointer, blank mini dvd-rws and some screen protectors for over 50% off! What a deal. Sears was next door and we walked over to pick up some prints from Derek's 2-month portraits. That was our last stop on the outing. We went home soon after and in about 30 minutes, Erica was home. We went on a quick family walk with Derek, the girls, Erica and I. I then cooked some cheese-stuffed burgers for dinner and we put Derek to sleep. The night concluded with an episode of Ugly Betty and How I Met Your Mother.
Our day started off with Derek encountering a celebrity for the very first time. While taking a walk, we ran into San Diego Chargers starting cornerback, Antonio Cromartie. He actually stopped while he was headed towards our direction and told me that Derek looks like me. From a father to another father, it was great to hear compliments and recognition from a professional athlete. This was Derek's first time he met a Charger. This will be a story to tell him when he grows up.

After we met Cro, we headed to Wal-Mart to return some stuff and pick up a few necessities. It was Derek and I's first adventure out in retail land without Erica. He smiled for everyone and did not cry once at the store.
Next stop was eating lunch with Erica. Derek was asleep the majority of the time while we drove up to her work. I picked up some taco bell bean burritos and their latest dish, fully loaded nachos. The chips were not quite as huge and Carne Asada nachos, but they we're satisfying enough that I couldn't finish them. We shared the nachos, hung out at the office and headed for our next stop, Mission Valley Mall.
Derek and I walked around the mall for at least an hour and a half. We picked up a Ladainian Tomlinson ornament at Hallmark and then proceeded to Office Depot and Sears Essentials. I was looking for some screen protectors for our new phones as well as a leather case for our iphone that we got from Carlito. They had this clearance rack where I was able to pick up an iphone case, some mechanical pencils, a laser pointer, blank mini dvd-rws and some screen protectors for over 50% off! What a deal. Sears was next door and we walked over to pick up some prints from Derek's 2-month portraits. That was our last stop on the outing. We went home soon after and in about 30 minutes, Erica was home. We went on a quick family walk with Derek, the girls, Erica and I. I then cooked some cheese-stuffed burgers for dinner and we put Derek to sleep. The night concluded with an episode of Ugly Betty and How I Met Your Mother.
Hanging Out With the Family
Last weekend was a very relaxing with a few firsts for our little boy. On Friday, Erica put Derek in the Baby Bjorn carrier for the first time facing forward. DJ was able to look at around instead of facing our chests. He really enjoys being in there now that he can look at the same things that we can see.
Also, Erica and I picked up new cell phones. They're the new Samsung Eternity touch screen phones, the poor man's version of an iphone, but with a few better features. A few of the qualities that the Eternity has opposed to its counterpart include watching TV, live, re-routing GPS navigation and cheaper internet service. It was time for us to upgrade.
On Saturday, we went on a little 5-hour outing. Before we started our day out, we slept in 'till around 8:30 and then Erica made her world famous French Toast. We then proceeded to our first destination, Wal-Mart where we picked up a few onzees for Derek. While we were there, we saw this cool triceratops live-action toy that Derek was really fascinated by.

We then headed to the AT&T store and then to Target where we picked up more onezees. Our last stop was Costco, where we picked up a few more outfits for Derek and some eggs & milk.
During the evening, we put Derek in his baby gym and he played in it as usual, but something new developed. He actually fell asleep while he was playing. That's the first time that has ever happened. It must have been the outing that tired him out. Overall, Derek, Erica and I are really getting used be outside. Before we know it, he'll be running around at the park and playing catch with his daddy.

On Sunday, we didn't go out at all. It was great to sit at home and be lazy. We watched the Chargers game and Derek was decked out in his Charger Gear. He did get some tummy time. Check out the pics:

We then headed to the AT&T store and then to Target where we picked up more onezees. Our last stop was Costco, where we picked up a few more outfits for Derek and some eggs & milk.
During the evening, we put Derek in his baby gym and he played in it as usual, but something new developed. He actually fell asleep while he was playing. That's the first time that has ever happened. It must have been the outing that tired him out. Overall, Derek, Erica and I are really getting used be outside. Before we know it, he'll be running around at the park and playing catch with his daddy.
On Sunday, we didn't go out at all. It was great to sit at home and be lazy. We watched the Chargers game and Derek was decked out in his Charger Gear. He did get some tummy time. Check out the pics:
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