So this past weekend was the beginning of Derek's first Christmas. On Saturday, did some shopping at Babies R Us, and the
Las Americas Outlets. We knocked out a few people on our list and even picked up some stuff for ourselves. Derek had a great time and didn't cry that much. After a long day of shopping and walking, we went home and crashed.

On Sunday, we slept in for a few hours and planned a quick outing. Before we left the house, we gave Derek some tummy time. He can actually keep his head up for a good 3-4 minutes.

We dressed Derek up his reindeer outfit and then headed to Mission Valley Mall where Derek too his first picture with Santa Claus. He was asleep the whole time and didn't notice that we picked him up and placed him in Santa's arms.

Afterwards, we headed to Sports Authority and then to Sears, where we picked up Derek's photos from his 3-months shoot.

We then proceeded to Costco and
Vons to pick up some groceries and headed back home.
On Monday and Tuesday, we put up our Christmas Tree. We wanted Derek to witness this momentous occasion so we did as much as we can on Monday before he fell asleep and then finished the tree the following day. Derek had his new routine (see below under milestones).

*Couple of fun facts and milestones: Derek now stares at his feet, we now set up a bedtime routine of food, then bath/hair, then book reading & singing and finally, bedtime and he babbles.

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