Last weekend was a very relaxing with a few firsts for our little boy. On Friday, Erica put Derek in the Baby Bjorn carrier for the first time facing forward. DJ was able to look at around instead of facing our chests. He really enjoys being in there now that he can look at the same things that we can see.

Also, Erica and I picked up new cell phones. They're the new
Samsung Eternity touch screen phones, the poor man's version of an
iphone, but with a few better features. A few of the qualities that the Eternity has opposed to its counterpart include watching TV, live, re-routing GPS navigation and cheaper
internet service. It was time for us to upgrade.

On Saturday, we went on a little 5-hour outing. Before we started our day out, we slept in 'till around 8:30 and then Erica made her world famous French Toast. We then proceeded to our first destination,
Wal-Mart where we picked up a few
onzees for Derek. While we were there, we saw this cool triceratops live-action toy that Derek was really
fascinated by.

We then headed to the AT&T store and then to Target where we picked up more
onezees. Our last stop was Costco, where we picked up a few more outfits for Derek and some eggs & milk.
During the evening, we put Derek in his baby gym and he played in it as usual, but something new developed. He actually fell asleep while he was playing. That's the first time that has ever happened. It must have been the outing that tired him out. Overall, Derek, Erica and I are really getting used be outside. Before we know it, he'll be running around at the park and playing catch with his daddy.

On Sunday, we didn't go out at all. It was great to sit at home and be lazy. We watched the Chargers game and Derek was decked out in his Charger Gear. He did get some tummy time. Check out the pics:

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