On March 28th, 2011, Aubrey slept 7 hours straight without any interruption. Keep in mind that at this point she barely turned a month old.

In April of this year, there were a couple of accomplishments. She started to use her voice on he 9th and on the 15th, she rolled from front to back. On the 19th, she slept through the night and gave us plenty of sleep in a span of less than 3 months.
On May 6th, she even made her first trip to Disneyland where she rode her first amusement park rides there, including the carousel, the Snow White ride, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion.
Aubrey first rolled from her back to her tummy on May 20th.
The month of June was highlighted with her first time in the excersaucer(June 5th), discovering her thumb (June 10th) and sleeping in her bedroom for the very first time and sleeping through the night (June 23rd).

August brought out hand gestures, movement and the introduction to eating solids. On the 6th, Aubrey responded to a wave by waving back. Four days later, she first started getting on all fours and rocked back and forth as if she was prepping for crawling. On the 28th, we introduced her to solids by giving her rice cereal and she enjoyed it.

September 4th was the day Aubrey first ate peas, made by us rather than buying bottled jar food. The best part about making her food is that we know what's in it and it's purely organic. At first, she did not like them but after we strained them and softened the tecture, she became a fan.
Another huge accomplishment was Aubrey's first crawl on the 24th of September. She moved for 2 paces and then plopped on the floor. A day after that, she lied down on her tummy and sat up in sitting position very quickly.
The month of October was a busy month for new milestones. On the 1st, she began to stand on everything, including grabbing on chair legs, couches, our hands and other things. We also introduced her to puffs, Plum Baby spinach flavored snacks.

On the 2nd of October, we introduced Aubrey to greenbeans and on the same day, she crawled more than 2 paces, without plopping on her tummy. She's really getting the hang of the crawling.
The next morning, we found our baby Aubrey awake and standing up in her crib. She has been sleeping through the night for at least 7 months straight!
On October 8th, we bought Aubrey her first pair of shoes, the Pediped Abigail slip on shoes in white and silver. As you guys can see in the pic, she's very excited to have them!

Also on the 8th came Aubrey's first tooth(excuse the crying). It is on the bottom part of her mouth, the same location that Derek had his first tooth.
We can't believe it has been already 8 months! Can't wait for more milestones to come!
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