On Saturday, Derek began his official first day at San Diego Little Kickers. For those who don't know what Little Kickers is, its a soccer class for kids 18 months old and up. They separate the groups by age group, with the youngest being 18 months. We got the heads up from our good friends Ralph and Sheryl. Their son, Andrew is about the same age as Derek. Hopefully they'll grow up as friends when they get older, playing all kinds of sports.
The first of three Easter Egg hunts was a big disappointment. It was located at our local community center called Winding Oaks. I'm sure their intentions were good, but what was really bad was the fact that they did not separate the kids by age group. It was a free-for-all and all of the big kids were snatching eggs left and right. Erica and I managed to get just 4 eggs for Derek. The highlight of the day for Derek was the Easter Bunny. We took several pics with the bunny and Derek kept hugging him. I think he's ready to see the characters at Disneyland now. We capped the night by prepping for Derek's 2nd Easter Egg hunt. Erica dyed about a dozen eggs while at the same time, I searched all over Otay Ranch and Eastlake for the last set plastic eggs(should have bought them earlier in the day).
On Easter Sunday, we decided to create a private Easter Egg hunt for Derek. Erica hid the eggs while I distracted Derek. This one was much better since there were no older kids stealing his glory. He had a great time and picked up about 10 eggs out of the 32 eggs that we hid. We took a few photos during and afterward the hunt.
After Derek's 2nd Easter Egg hunt, we killed some time in our backyard. We hit a couple of wiffle balls in the backyard and Derek took a quick nap.
We then went to my parents house for a Buenaventura Family Easter. My parents cooked and BBQ-ed and my whole side of the family enjoyed a nice Easter lunch. Derek played all day with his cousins and his grandpa. He participated in his 3rd and final Easter Egg hunt of the weekend. Even though his cousins, Jalen and Jolene were a few years older, they actually let Derek pick up some eggs. He ended up with 15 eggs. After a few hours of the egg hunt, Derek experienced his first earthquake (too bad I didn't get any video or pics). It was approximately 6.9 on the rictor scale in Mexicali and we felt the shake for about a minute-and-a-half. This was the first Easter that the entire side of my family. It was a great end to a wonderful weekend. Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend like we did.
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