Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Catching up...

It's Erica :)

Just putting up a quick post to highlight what we've been up to since Derek turned 1. He's now 14 months old and is just the most inquisitive, energetic, loving boy who loves Cheerios, his animal figures, books, and learning how to walk.

Yes, he's taken his first steps. On Tuesday, Octoer 20th, Dean's dad calls him to tell us that our son took 15 steps unassisted. 10 minutes after we dropped him off at their house. Of course we were happy cause we've been waiting for this milestone, but the first words that came out of my mouth were, "WE MISSED IT!! =( "

Here's the video taken by our cousins Don & Sam:

So since then, he still holds onto our finger when he walks (runs), but he'll take a few steps unassisted if he's walking towards someone or from one piece of furniture to another. I'm getting a glimpse of the type of energy that will be required of us once he's walking by himself all over the place, we won't be able to sit down much when at home, haha.

Other events through the last two months...
-He got sick with Roseola. It's a very common illness spread from child to child that starts out with a fever above 103 degrees, then ends with red blotches all over the body once the fever breaks. The blotchiness freaked me out, but luckily the blotches went away after a couple days.
-He's made up a word for bottle ("babap"), banana ("bop"), and Cheerios ("aiyah") to add to his vocabulary of mama, keys, and cheese. I've also asked him to say Derek, to which he replies "ek". :)
-We've gotten rid of his pacifier. Within the span of a week, we phased it out and he totally doesn't use one anymore. :) I'm ecstatic.
-He LOVES books! He chooses his bedtime books now, and during the day, he'll crawl up to any of his books lying around and quietly flip through them.
-He is holding up our phones to his ear. Pure imitation of his parents, haha.
-He's showing interest in using utensils to manipulate food and objects. We'll hand him a spoon while we're feeding him so he can get used to holding one. Unfortunately it ends up with food being flung all over the place, but it's all for the sake of him learning, right?

Ok that's it for now. There will be a picture post soon, once Dean gets around to it. Thanks for reading!

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