Its been almost two months since we updated this blog so we have plenty of milestones to share with the world for our little Derek Joshua. Let's start off with the month of June. We've noticed that at the beginning of the month, he looks under couches in search of toys. He's very determined, our little boy. Derek also says "hi mama" every now-and-then. He also likes to slide his upper body while crawling with his legs. When we shake our heads in a "no" motion, he also shakes his head and smiles. Babbling became abundant in June. Derek also distinctly waves when someone waves at him. We also heard him say "dadda" several times. When we brush our teeth, we hand him a baby tooth brush and he "brushes" his teeth too! Cruising around on couches as also appeared in June. On the 19th of June, Derek slept in his room for the very first time! He was sleeping in his crib in our room, next to the bed. When we till him "arms up," he raises his arms. Derek loves bathes and on the 20th, we gave him a bath in our master tub for the very first time. He didn't want to leave. Towards the end of the month, he picked up on where his mouth and eyes are. At the end of June, his upper two front teeth broke through. Lots of events in the month of June.
In the month of July, Derek continued to master the milestones mentioned above and then some. He can clap his hands! Also, Derek likes to give kisses, a lot of open mouth kisses to his mommy. He uses more stuff to assist him in crawling, including remotes and papers. Derek also points and laughs when we point at him. On July 13th, Derek poo poo'ed and peed on the potty! Yes people, Derek was almost 11 months old when he first did it! To his day, he goes at least once a day and sometimes twice. On the 16th, he stuck his tongue out on command and still does it when we ask him "Derek, where's your tongue?" Also, he touches his ears when we ask him to do it. On July 19th, Derek started climbing up the stairs on his own. Also on the 19th, we got Derek baptized at the Mission de Acala, California's first ever mission. The following day, we discovered that Derek can also touch his toes on command. He began to touch his head on command on the 25th. On the 26th, we took Derek swimming for the first time at our community swimming pool and he had a blast! At the end of July, Derek found out that he can sort of walk with a toy walker. He pushes it while he moves his feet. Also, he can drink from a sports bottle.
At the beginning of August, Derek got his first free balloon from Trader Joe's. The next day he got his second one. We got him this toy train that shoots out toy plastic balls and so in addition to the balls, he also puts random toys in the train. During baths, we have this baby basketball hoop and he actually dunked his first basketball.
On the 26th of August, Derek will turn 1 and Erica and I will be married for 3 years (August 19, 2009). Time sure flies and we wouldn't change anything!
So Cute! I can't wait for our upcoming 1 yr shoot :)
Same here! He's grown so fast! I can't believe in a few weeks, Derek will turn 1! See you soon Susie!
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