This year was Aubrey's 1st Christmas, nearly 2 months before she turns 2 years old. As usual for each Christmas celebration, Christmas Eve was spent in San Diego with the Buenaventura Family. Each year the family hosts the celebration at a different location from the last year. It was our turn to host Christmas Eve and what a better place to have Aubrey's first Christmas than in our home! Upon opening gift, Derek received an ipod touch, a leap frog leapster leappad tablet, a razor scooter and some other toys. Aubrey got a rockin' elmo toy, some clothes, other toys and money.

After the celebration of Christmas in our house, we immediately packed all of our presents, clothes and items and headed up north to Delano for Christmas with the Sison's. WIth no sleep, we hit the road at around 2AM and got to Delano at around 5:30 AM. From there, we settled for a couple of hours and then the whole family opened presents. We spent several days in Delano after Christmas and then came home to open the rest of the gifts.